Summer Safety Tips for the Road


Overloaded Vehicle

Summer Safety Tips for the Road

The warmer weather is here and that means an increasing number of motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are on the roads. Remember to keep an eye out for smaller vehicles, kids, and our four-legged friends which can sometimes be more difficult to spot.


Between 2005 and 2016, there were 2,172 pedestrians killed or seriously injured in a collision with a motor vehicle in the GTA. Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety Plan identifies and addresses six emphasis areas, which were determined through collision data analysis, public engagement and Council direction. They include pedestrians, school children, older adults, cyclists, motorcyclists and aggressive driving and distraction.


Summer is also time for rollerblading, road hockey, and all kinds of activities for the kids in the neighbourhood. Take care to drive slowly through residential areas and watch for activity on the side of the road. Unfortunately, between 2005 and 2016 there were 3 school children killed and 70 seriously injured in a collision with a motor vehicle around Toronto. Speed and distraction kill.

Construction season peaks in the summer for Ontario roads and highways. Take care in construction zones and be prepared to stop or slow down.


When packing your vehicle for your great summer getaway, make sure all your equipment is securely tied down and that none of the gear reduces your visibility.

Rotate your tires and keep them properly inflated. Driving on under-inflated tires is dangerous. According to a recent survey by Transport Canada, up to 50% of cars on the road have at least one tire that is 10 percent under- or over-inflated. Most people rely on tire-pressure monitor systems to warn them – but these systems don’t kick in until the tire’s 25 percent below the recommended pressure. By that time, the tire’s handling has already been compromised and Transport Canada warns that it’s “three times as likely to be involved in a crash.”


Plan in advance, stay calm, and use safe driving practices to keep you and your passengers safe. Patience on roadways is essential in the summer time; avoid speeding, tailgating, sudden braking and limit distractions while you’re behind the wheel.









Have a safe and happy summer!






editor July 7th, 2018 No Comments

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